In the realm of compliance and enforcement of values under Article 2 TEU, in particular of the rule of law, multiple solutions have been advanced by constitutional scholars. For instance, interesting to examine are the key academic proposals selected by Kochenov in this respect. Although these academic endeavours may provide policymakers with good food for…
Tag: European Union
evidenza, Geopolitics, Society
Upholding the rule of law in the Member States through EU law mechanisms: pure political fiction?
•In the last couple of years, the EU has been faced with a new legal challenge: a ‘rule of law crisis’.Poland and Hungary are among the prime examples of Member States in which compliance with the value of the rule of law is questioned and allegations of breaches are being investigated. The paramount legal principle…
evidenza, Geopolitics
Brexit implications: Alarming economic perspectives
•“Divided we fall” said the front page of the British newspaper, The Economist, in the days leading up the vote. The debate over the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union ended the 23 June 2016, when the British electorate voted in favour of quitting the EU. Appealing to the Article 50 of…
evidenza, Geopolitics
Exclusive: Yanis Varoufakis starts a new italian political movement in March 2018
•Speaking at a Diem 25 Belfast meeting on Saturday afternoon, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis exclusively told SocialNews of a new Italian political movement. Thanks to Kathryn Johnston. “In Italy the political party scene is very sad. But at the level of civic, at the level of local government, there are some very interesting and…
evidenza, Geopolitics
The EU and the new Labor Directive
•Back in 1991 the European Union, at the time still EEC, had just started tidying up the complicated matter of labor law. In particular, the focus was laid on the applicable conditions included in work contracts and work relationships. Then a 20 year long silence, time in which -without the need of being expert analyst-…
evidenza, Geopolitics
The State and its wounds. From Eurosceptics to global terrorism
•evidenza, Geopolitics
From the Great Wall of China to a Great Economic Power
•Exactly 40 years ago, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping took China by the reins and led it on a path of mass economic reform; dismantling the agriculture sector and encouraging foreign investment which revived an advanced economic system that had been stagnating and declining for nearly five centuries. Of course, such a rapid growth was in-part…
evidenza, Geopolitics
The Spanish deadlock in Catalonia
•A referendum was held on 1 October 2017 to decide whether Catalonia, an autonomous region of northeastern Spain, should declare itself an independent country. This was declared illegal and incompatible by the Spanish Constitution. An extensive police report delivered to the Court on December 15 concluded that the independence movement had systematically encouraged “hatred” of…
evidenza, Geopolitics
European army: why and how
•The proposal for a more structured cooperation on defence and security issues across the European Union has been in development for a number of years. The current European Defence Initiative, comes from a proposal for an enhanced European Union defence, presented by France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg in Brussels in 2003. The European Defence Agency…
evidenza, Geopolitics
Brexit: humble pie?
•Who knows what will be on the menu when Theresa May dines with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker today? Until after they meet, there can be no certainty about the terms that have been placed on the table. Ireland have already said that they doubt enough progress has been made over the weekend to avoid…