Tag: Theresa May

Coward of the County  

Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it! When I read President Trump’s tweet last week, I was shaken – just like…

Strike in Syria by US, France and Great Britain to destroy chemical weapons

The strikes carried out by the United States with France and Great Britain targeted the Center for Scientific Research, bases and military headquarters in the Syrian capital Damascus and its surroundings, as well as military installations in the city of Homs. US President Donald Trump announced Friday that there was a military operation in Syria, with…

Ulster Says No – Again

The UK daily papers are full of outrage that Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) blocked proposals yesterday that would have moved Northern Ireland’s customs border to the Irish Sea. The 10 DUP MPs are currently propping up Theresa May’s minority Conservative government on a confidence and supply basis. Theresa May’s premiership could not continue…

Brexit: humble pie?

Who knows what will be on the menu when Theresa May dines with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker today? Until after they meet, there can be no certainty about the terms that have been placed on the table. Ireland have already said that they doubt enough progress has been made over the weekend to avoid…

Brexit showdown Monday

In Hamlet, Marcellus, an officer of the palace guard, seeing the ghost of the dead king, walking over the palace walls, observes, ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’.   Shakespeare would be spoiled for choice for a location for those words today – whether in Brussels, Washington, Westminster.   Or indeed, at Stormont,…

Brexit and the Delicate Balance of the British Government

brexit nigel farage

The Brexit Saga No one could have foreseen the future the way it actually unfolded. When David Cameron proposed the referendum which would determine the future of the UK in the European Union, it was seen as a tactical move for the prime minister to insure his reelection. However, the unexpected became reality, and on…