Tag: NGO

The legacy of ISIS on Iraqi women and children

“We have to kill the IS families” Iraq declared the end of its war against ISIS in December 2017. However, even though the war may be over, the suffering of Iraqis is far from over. According to a survey carried out by Amnesty International in eight Iraqi camps for internal displaced people, women and children…

The Strip of Gaza Today: the Never Ending Conflict

The strip of Gaza has ultimately become a prison for the almost 2 million man and women living within its borders. Ground, maritime and aerial blockades imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007 -following Hamas’ victory- turned the area into a modern ghetto. There are multiple forces which have violently been fighting for decades to…

Beyond the Oxfam Scandal

This essay first apperead on http://www.how-matters.org/ The Oxfam scandal has generated much press coverage over the past two weeks, with a good amount of sensationalism. The focus has been positively titillating and hashtag-able: prostitutes, #metoo, sexual harassment, rapes, #aidtoo. Besides rare mentions, the voices have been from Global North practitioners and policymakers. On February 13, I had a brief…