Tag: Democracy

How Does Russia Interfere With Western Elections

Former FBI director James B. Comey answering questions from senators about his interactions with President Trump. During more than two hours of testimony, Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee he believed Trump had directed him to drop an FBI probe into the Republican president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn as part of the broader Russia…

Today, We Are All Europeans

‘April is the cruelest month’ is the first line of T S Eliot’s 1922 poem The Waste Land – his searing indictment of the global desolation that followed the end of World War I. April 2017 shows every sign of following in its path. On Easter Sunday, Turkey voted by a narrow majority (51%) to…

Elections with Fake News

The analysis by Jonathan Albright, professor at Elon University, show how false data and information spread online and through the social networks are becoming an electoral propaganda mechanism which is difficult to control. This is what he calls #MPM, the “micro-propaganda machine” – a network used to influence popular opinions based on stimulating emotional responses…