Tag: Israel

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Whose blood is thicker, theirs or ours?

Many years ago, Edward Said, the towering Palestinian American intellectual who founded the academic field of post-colonialist studies said in Orientalism: ‘Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy,…

The Strip of Gaza Today: the Never Ending Conflict

The strip of Gaza has ultimately become a prison for the almost 2 million man and women living within its borders. Ground, maritime and aerial blockades imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007 -following Hamas’ victory- turned the area into a modern ghetto. There are multiple forces which have violently been fighting for decades to…

The Passover massacre in Gaza, the long history of Palestinian resistance

Israeli and Palestinian leaders blamed each other for the deaths of at least 15 Palestinians in Gaza Strip on last Friday. cation.The UN envoy for Palestine Riyad Mansour told the council that more than 1,400 Palestinian civilians had been injured. It was the single deadliest day in the Israel-Palestine conflict since the 2014 Gaza war.…

What is the dispute over Jerusalem about?

Challenging the delicate status of the contested city and the international consensus, President Donald Trump has announced to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This unprecedented move over the holy place can have a disastrous impact on the stability and security of the region, hindering the peace process. Before expounding what is happening now,…