Anna Tagliapietra

Nata in provincia di Udine nel 1992, si laurea presso l’Università di Bologna in International Affairs, concentrando gli studi sul Medio Oriente, sulle interferenze occidentali nella regione e sui conflitti politico-religiosi che vi perdurano irrisolti. Curiosa e amante dei viaggi, grazie al programma Erasmus ha avuto la possibilità di studiare a Coimbra e a Budapest e lavorare a Valencia. Si definisce una cittadina di radici italiane ma con nazionalità diverse. Nutre una forte passione per le lingue straniere, per il giornalismo e il fotogiornalismo su cui ha sviluppato la tesi magistrale, per la politica estera e per tutti i problemi che affliggono il nostro pianeta, dal cambiamento climatico alle disuguaglianze di genere. Grazie alla collaborazione con SocialNews può coltivare e unire le passioni per il giornalismo e per la geopolitica. I diritti umani sono per lei un patrimonio universale, irrinunciabile in qualsiasi relazione interpersonale.

Djibouti: how a narrow country became an important playground for global powers

Formerly known as French Somaliland (1883-1967) and renamed the French Territory of the Afars and the Issas (1967-1977), the colony took the name of Djibouti when it gained the independence from France in 1977. With a total area of barely more than 20,000 km2 (little smaller than the Italian region of Lombardy) and a population of approximately one…

Syria 7th anniversary: the use of chemical weapons as a game changer

The Syrian armed conflict entered its seventh year and the violence continues unabated, so much to become the world’s deadliest ongoing conflict. The multisided war has wracked a country whose survival is still at stake and since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, the humanitarian situation has deeply worsened. Syria has continuously witnessed human…

What is the dispute over Jerusalem about?

Challenging the delicate status of the contested city and the international consensus, President Donald Trump has announced to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This unprecedented move over the holy place can have a disastrous impact on the stability and security of the region, hindering the peace process. Before expounding what is happening now,…

One year since Trump’s election: between evaluations, numbers and protests

During the final round of the presidential election, dated 8 November 2016, Mr. Trump was challenging through explosive words Mrs. Clinton and with the worldwide spotlight and anxiety, the Democratic Party’s nominee was defeated by Republican Party’s candidate, who was inaugurated as 45th President of the United States of America. It has been a year…