The Game of the Evil

The market of gambling, legal and illegal, is rapidly expanding and is used in the classical form and in electronic form, both of arcades, is due to the spread of online games. According to the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies (AAMS), the legal form has registered progressive increments through the years, until you get to charge more than 79.8 billion Euros in 2011.

In Italy, the phenomenon reached 4% of national PIL and is, in terms of invoiced, the third largest industry, after Eni and Fiat. The reports of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission they show, as the Gambling constitutes today’s “new frontier of crime mafia”, with an estimated 50 billion Euro annual invoiced of organized crime.

In 2009 were investments of over 72.3 million Euros from the industries of the game while, in 2011, spending on advertising gambling has exceeded 106 million. Of the figures at stake, the State collects only 11%, as a result of a tax system very lenient attitude towards the companies active in the field. Despite the pressing economic crisis, gambling appears to be a phenomenon that involves increasingly large segments of the population, emerging as a social drama of immense gravity. Despite the pressing economic crisis, gambling appears to be a phenomenon that involves segments of the population always more consistent, emerging as a social drama of immense gravity. The strong increase of the proposals approved by the State conducted to an exponential increase in the abuse of this disease “hobby”, projecting Italy towards world records very sad. Taking into consideration the sample population can gamble legally – 47.7 million adults – the statistics show that spending per capita will touch 1,673 Euros / year each, while almost two million are estimated to have those at risk and 708,225 as well regarded as having suffered pathological addiction.

Research conducted on the habits of game shows that are predominantly involved in this phenomenon, the most vulnerable social groups and that pathological gambling is often associated with male persons, young and characterized by low economic level, poor education and unemployment. The social costs of the drama are substantial and determine a heavy impact on the life paths of those involved. In the most serious, where the disease is delineated from addiction, it also highlighted serious economic implications, professional, social, family, relationships. The pathological gamblers are subject to a higher prevalence of arrests, bankruptcy, incarceration, exposure to risk wear. In their start an inevitable maniacal research of money recovery lost through new game or mechanisms unlawful and illegal in an attempt to find an economic livelihood. The result is a deterioration of mental health, with frequent result in depression or suicide. Unfortunately, in Italy on pathological gambling (GAP) is still considered a disease and is not included in the LEA (Essential Levels of Assistance).

His failure to identification what illness does not allow the provision of forms of free assistance, as is the case, however, in France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the United States. The “side effects” caused by its use and abuse are equal to other forms of addiction. such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs. Lack of consideration by the Government of the consequences to the population and economy of citizens and “boxes” of the state is a form of myopia disturbing, if not suspicious. But perhaps the problem is to continue to consider this phenomenon just a game.

Realized by Martina Delser


Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Viceprimario al reparto di Accettazione ed Emergenza dell'Ospedale ¨Franz Tappeiner¨di Merano nella Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb – Azienda sanitaria dell'Alto Adige – da giugno 2019. Attualmente in prima linea nella gestione clinica e nell'organizzazione per l'emergenza Coronavirus. In particolare responsabile del reparto di infettivi e semi – intensiva del Pronto Soccorso dell'ospedale di Merano. 


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